- Country: Bangladesh
- Summary: Supplying of Materials for Routine Maintenance Works at Different Roads of Dohazari Road Sub-Division under Chattogram South Road Division during the Year 2023-2024.
- BDT Ref No: 101284033
- Deadline: 30 May 2024
- Competition: NCB
- Financier: Self Financed
- Purchaser Ownership: Public
- Tender Value: Refer Document
- Notice Type: Tender
- Document Ref. No.: e-GP/EE/CSRD/58/ 2023-2024
- Purchaser's Detail :
Address: Dohazari Road Division, Sarak Bhaban, Dohazari, City: Dohazari, Thana: Chandanish, District: Chattogram - 0000, Country: Bangladesh
Name of Official Inviting Tender/Proposal : Pintu Chakma
Phone No: 031-35022, Fax No:
- Description :
- Project Name : Not applicable
Information for Tenderer/Consultant :
Eligibility of Tenderer : 1. Eligibility of Tenderers in respect of legal, technical and financial capacitystated in tender data sheet (TDS).2. Qualification information and evidences (such aswork experience certificates,on-going woks list, payment certificates for construction turnover, equipment list(own or rented), personnel list etc. of the Tenderers as mapped in the e-GPTenders must be available in the TDMS system so that TEC can evaluate thetenders digitally within short period of time.3. TDMS (Tenderers Database Management System) of RHD is Mandatory foreach tenderer. Otherwise the tenderer will be considered as Non-responsive.4. It is mandatory to individually upload the CMS System Completion Certificates.If Work Done Certificate is uploaded it shall have contract Number of everycontract. It shall be in PDF file.5. Only work is going during the IFT Publication will be considered as ongoingwork. Otherwise the work will not be considered as ongoing work and it isrequired to Upload Notice to Commence. NOA & Money Receipt will not beconsidered as ongoing work. In case of extended time, related documents shall beuploaded.6. Up to date Terms & Condition as stated in PPR 2008 and PPR 2006 will befollowed.NB: 1. The Tenderer shall maintain highest ethics in providing informationregarding the tender.2. If corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices of any kind isdetermined against any Tenderer, then measures shall be taken as per ITT clause 3of Standard Tender Document.
- Documents :
Tender Notice
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